Time for some more random laws. A festive take this time.
Salmon Act of 1986 – it is illegal to handle a salmon “under suspicious circumstances”. Be careful with those fish platters on the #Christmasbuffet.
The Licensing Act of 1872 states that operating a cow, horse or steam engine whilst intoxicated carries either a prison sentence or fine. Best leave your festive rides to #uber (other taxi firms also available)
Section 12 of the Licensing Act 1872 states “every person found drunk in any highway or other public place, whether building or not, or on any licensed premises” could be penalized. You can get fined for getting drunk in a pub. Careful of those #christmasparties
It 1644 is was illegal to eat #mincepies on Christmas Day! (25 December of that year fell on a legal day of fasting).
All that's left is for us to wish a very .........