Joanne Bowmer LTD is committed to providing a high-quality & competent service to all our clients. If something goes wrong, please tell us about it on or phone on +44 (0) 7549 411 499 or in writing to: Park View, 33 Main Road, Seaton, Cumbria, CA14 1HS.
It is important for you to note that if you make a complaint this will not affect how I handle your matter.
What will happen next?
We will acknowledging receipt of your complaint within five working days of receiving it.
A full investigation will be carried out within a 10 days. You will then be invited to an online meeting to discuss & to try and fully resolve your complaint. I will write to you to confirm what took place and any solutions that have been agreed.
If you do not want an online meeting, you will be sent a reply via email to your complaint, including the suggestions for resolving the matter, within 20days of your compliant acknowledgment.
If you are still not satisfied with my handling of your complaint you can contact our regulators listed below:
The Society of Licensed Conveyancers
Old Rectory Church Lane, Northampton NN6 8SN
0800 0499 914